About us

SUNRISE LOGISTICS was established in 2018. The Company supplies petroleum products throughout Ukraine. We were able to make our clients trust us as a reliable supplier of high-quality petroleum products.

The Company’s mission is to promote economic development and establish efficient supply routes, in order to meet Ukrainian companies’ needs in high quality petroleum products.

Nowadays SUNRISE LOGISTICS is a strong team covering different areas of activities in order to render a full range of professional services in the oil industry.

Our Company meets the needs of clients in the private and public sectors throughout Ukraine. We control storage conditions and transport required quantities of petroleum products from leading Ukrainian and European producers to end consumers at wholesale prices. We have oil storage facilities in the centre and west of Ukraine.

Each lot of petroleum products, irrespective of the quantity, undergoes a laboratory check for compliance with the declared quality as per the norms. This is supported by a complete package of the state-recognized documents, passports and certificates proving the origin and quality of petroleum products, their compliance with the DSTU and specifications.

Transportation of petroleum products by road and rail is one of the principal activities of the Company. We have our own fleet comprising specialized vehicles with tanks of various volumes and rail tank cars, which allows us to perform safe and prompt transportation of petroleum products throughout Ukraine.

SUNRISE LOGISTICS is a member of the National Association of Road Builders of Ukraine (NARBU), an independent public professional association of market players in road building, repair and operation and associated industries.

Jointly with the main participants of the road building market, we contribute to development of the domestic production in the road industry and introduction of the global standards and norms in Ukraine.